According to WHO, the substance is safe
- Name: Praesentes Dii
- Website/Source:
According to WHO, the substance is safe as an additive in drinking water in much higher doses that those recommended for a "medicinal protocole", which are around 0,005mg/kg. "The safety of chlorite, chlorate, chlorine dioxide and chloride in drinking water has previously been assessed by WHO. WHO established tolerable daily intakes (TDIs) of 0.03 mg/kg body weight (bw) for both chlorite and chlorate";jsessionid=B973470FA7FF41F64088DC5AA6121D3D?sequence=1 so what is the issue here, when the same substance is ingested also via water but in much lower doses that the ones declared tolerable and safe by WHO? It is the intention? now it is possible to criminalize intention?.
- Parent Category: Testimonials
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